About the Journal
Mandalika: Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Bahasa is an international journal founded by Mandalika Institute. Mandalika is an open access, double peer-reviewed electronic journal that aims to offer an international scholarly platform for national and cross-border education research in government regulations. Published material includes large academic papers that critically discuss various aspects.
This journal determines the specific topics that will be discussed in each issue which can be analyzed from various education perspectives as mentioned. However, it does not limit itself to discussing Indonesian education.
Mandalika accepts submissions from all over the world. All submitted articles must not be published elsewhere, be original and not be considered for another publication (To check for Plagiarism, the Mandalika Editorial Board will screen for plagiarism using the Turnitin application program). If indications of plagiarism are found (above 25%), the editorial board will automatically immediately reject the manuscript.